Monday, January 30, 2012

Kitchen Upgrade

Our kitchen was remodeled before we purchased our home.  A wall was knocked out to create an open kitchen off the dining room.  New cabinets, stainless steel appliances, and granite counter tops completed the look.  However, it just didn't looked finished to me.  In November, my brother came up to DC for a visit and helped me install a tile backsplash.  I love the look and it gives the kitchen some visual interest.  It was pretty easy (but very messy) to install.  Right now, we are in the process of painting the kitchen and then it will finally be done!


Backsplash Installation:


Getting Ready


So we are now in the final stages- painting the walls.  I have chosen Burnt Almond (Behr):;view=14;channel=EXPLORE

Oh, Deer!

As I mentioned in my previous post, our yard is a wreck.  (Well, it isn't now, but this is almost 7 months later.)  As we were moving in, a friend stopped by to say hello.  Since the yard clearing process began, we haven't seen him again, but we've spotted a turtle and a fox.  The fox keeps coming back and tormenting Heidi through the sliding glass door.

This is what we started with:

The first thing we did was have two of the trees professionally removed.  See photo one- that was an accident waiting to happen.  Next, my parents and Jonathan cut down more trees.  Then we had some hack come and cut some down but leave before actually cutting up the trees and removing the pieces.  And then finally we had two more professionally taken down.  I think about 18 total had to go.  We definitely learned some lessons about hiring people to do work for you.  We had some problems with the second and third people, but we've found someone now, who may take a while to come and do a project, he'll come eventually and he gives you a fair price.  As a result of all this tree cutting, Jonathan now has two chain saws.  I think he secretly loves it.

As you can see from the last picture, the previous owners left trash in the yard.  A LOT of trash.  We keep finding tiles and glass.  Over the last six months, I have found soy sauce packets, Styrofoam food containers, fireworks, a bikini bottom, a bed frame, a fully intact Christmas mug, Mylar balloon pieces, and the list goes on and on.  It was a joke at the beginning because I would say that I was going to work until I filled one trash bag completely full of trash and then I would take a break.  Usually, it would only take about 5 minutes to fill up the bags. 

And our visitor:

Warriors of the Weekend

On June 1, 2011, Jonathan and I purchased a house. As you are probably aware, real estate prices in and around cities are expensive. So, we ended up getting a home that had previously been abandoned and then flipped. So while we were lucky that we have remodeled bathrooms, we are the proud owners of a jungle and wall graffati.

I've also come the realization that nothing is "move in ready." There's always something to be done. So this blog is going to chronicle what we have done and what we plan to do to make our home our own. Along the way, there will also be entries about fun things we do around DC and our travels because everyone is working for the weekend, right?!?!?!